I Awake from My Infernal Slumber
Wasted by A Neanderthal Nightmare
I Cough Up Ruins of My Hopes, Dreams and Fire and Ice..
Resurrected from the Ashes of My Own Destruction
I, Perched on the Wings of Battered Sublime
Shall Soar Again..
This Time With Too Brutal a Vision I Shall Gawk the Earth
And With Too Bold a Voice Will Demand the Rise of Man
Who Seems To have Drowned Himself into his Fateful Oblivion
of His Legacy, his Progeny and his Rightful Mutiny!!
So Hark! I Come.. I Speak.. I Sing.. To Shake You Up..
To Ruffle Your Smooth-combed Locks
To Pinch Your Rose-hued cheeks to Shame
And To Jolt Your Nonchalant Nerves Ascreaming!
Hark! I Come Again..
I Sing Again...
I Scream Aloud Afresh Again...
Now That I have Resurrected
And Am Finally
Awake from my Infernal Slumber
Wasted by a Neanderthal Nightmare..
Wasted by A Neanderthal Nightmare
I Cough Up Ruins of My Hopes, Dreams and Fire and Ice..
Resurrected from the Ashes of My Own Destruction
I, Perched on the Wings of Battered Sublime
Shall Soar Again..
This Time With Too Brutal a Vision I Shall Gawk the Earth
And With Too Bold a Voice Will Demand the Rise of Man
Who Seems To have Drowned Himself into his Fateful Oblivion
of His Legacy, his Progeny and his Rightful Mutiny!!
So Hark! I Come.. I Speak.. I Sing.. To Shake You Up..
To Ruffle Your Smooth-combed Locks
To Pinch Your Rose-hued cheeks to Shame
And To Jolt Your Nonchalant Nerves Ascreaming!
Hark! I Come Again..
I Sing Again...
I Scream Aloud Afresh Again...
Now That I have Resurrected
And Am Finally
Awake from my Infernal Slumber
Wasted by a Neanderthal Nightmare..